Dr. Don has been teaching the Word of God for over fifty years. This “Media” section of the Bible Learning Center contains Biblical themes and topics of his teaching that have been audio or video recorded. They have not been developed into courses, though some may in the future. No enrollment or registration is required. It is his prayer that these recordings will deepen your understanding and commitment to God’s Word and to holy living.
Revealing the Fingerprints of God
The foundational question in 21st Century world culture is not whether Christianity is true. Instead, it is whether a personal God exists, other than in the imagination and wishful thinking of theists. In this video series, Dr. Don details three easily understood and persuasive reasons which reveal the “fingerprints” of God: the argument for intelligent design in nature, the validation of the historicity of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and the common experience of life transformation of people everywhere who are born again through faith in Jesus. Indeed, the Bible states that the testimony of nature, history, and life transformation render people “without excuse” if they deny the existence of a personal creator God (Romans 1:18-20).
Why I Believe in Creation
The origin of the universe and humanity by special creation is a cornerstone of the Christian worldview. Furthermore, its truth is necessary in the defense of Biblical inspiration and the existence of God. Despite the challenges to creation from naturalistic evolution, especially in science education, 87% of Americans still believe that God was the instrument of creation. Ph.D. biologist Don Bierle explains why that is valid in this presentation of current scientific and biblical evidence. Six clear, insightful and common-sense arguments make the case for creation.
Making Sense of Creation and Evolution
Ph.D. biologist Don Bierle uses current scientific evidence to unravel creation, evolution and the meaning of life. His careful research strips off the hype and takes a scientific approach to the evidence.
Discovery is an eye-opening, evidence-based and logical case for the claims of the Christian faith. Be prepared to discern truth from deception regarding honest questions like: Why am I here? Is the Bible true? Is Jesus really God? Can faith be reasonable? Are all religious faiths equal? How can I know God? External evidence, such as manuscript and archaeology discoveries, leads to confidence in the historical text of the New Testament, thus the historical truthfulness of its account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The result is life changing. Unbelievers will discover reasons why they should believe. Believers will be strengthened in their faith. Apologetics and testimony. Professionally animated slides in the video recording give clarity.
Discover the Reality of Knowing God
Observation of the myriad evils in the world have led many to agree with English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary critic G. K. Chesterton: “Original sin is the only Christian doctrine that’s been empirically validated by 2,000 years of human history.” In other words, the evidence of history confirms our sin nature. Long before Chesterton even lived, God had already declared that the fundamental disharmony within human beings is a sin nature. This presentation takes you through seven steps to discover God’s revealed plan to redeem each person into a forgiven and eternal relationship with Him.
With Jesus in the Upper Room
What would it have been like to dine with Jesus? The Apostle John records what Jesus said and did with His apostles the night of His arrest, and before His crucifixion the next day. What was on His mind? Meanwhile, the disciples had forsaken everything to follow Jesus. Within twenty-four hours He would be dead and all their hopes and dreams shattered. Both Jesus and the Apostles were in crisis! In that context, Jesus demonstrated the “full extent of His love” (John 13:1). There is a wealth of Christian insight and spiritual value that we can learn for our lives today by spending an evening with Jesus.
Another Paraclete: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
In the Upper Room, the night before His crucifixion, Jesus promised “another Paraclete” (Advocate; Helper) who would be in the believer. Who is He – a person or a spiritual force? What does He do? How does He help me? Who was the ‘first Paraclete?’ Why did Jesus say that it is to our advantage that He return to heaven and send the Holy Spirit? The Bible says we are to be “born,” “filled,” “sealed,” “baptized,” “led,” “gifted,” and “bear fruit” in and by the Holy Spirit. Do I have a spiritual gift, and how do I know what it is? How can we make sense of all this? The Bible has answers, and this series will reveal them.
Choosing to be a Bond-Servant
Christians are often described in Scripture as servants, or in some Bible translations, as slaves of Jesus Christ. The negative association in U.S. history of slavery with involuntary servitude and abuse makes Christians uncomfortable with the concept and is unattractive to those outside Christianity who would consider following Christ. But to understand “servant” the way first-century Christians did recasts it into the context of love, personal fulfillment and a joyful dedication of our lives to Jesus.
Angels, Shepherds, and Lambs
New Light on the Miracle of Christmas
Twenty-first century eyes see only dimly when peering at events that took place over 2,000 years ago. We tend to superimpose our current images into them. That is certainly the case with the birth of Jesus. Historical studies and contemporary first century sources can help to restore a more accurate understanding of that awesome night. Were Joseph and Mary married? Who were the shepherds, and why was the nativity announcement given to them? What are “swaddling clothes” and why were they an understandable ‘sign’ to the shepherds? How were the shepherds able to easily locate the baby Jesus that night? Was He born in a cave? Why did John the Baptist introduce Jesus as the “Lamb of God?” Angels, Shepherds and Lambs – the Christ of Christmas with new light!
Jesus’ Resurrection
Hoax or History?
Walking in the Will of God without Confusion and Fear
God’s will is clearly revealed in the Bible. The frustration of many Christians is that the Bible does not record details (blueprint) pertaining to God’s will for their individual lives; for example, who to marry, where to go to college, what vocation to be in, which car to buy, how many children to have, etc. It’s so frustrating! How can a Christian discover details which exist only in the mind of God? How can we avoid the fear of missing what God intends for us? How can we please God in our decisions if we don’t know what He wants? This presentation analyzes the nature of God’s revealed will, and then leads each person to understand and use the principles of wise decision making to please God. Confusion and fear are replaced by love, peace and confidence.
Friend to Friend
A teamwork strategy that enables every Christian to participate as a witness of Jesus
It’s time to set the record straight: Every believer can participate as a witness of Jesus. Friend to Friend (F2F) unmasks the usual myths about Gospel outreach and creates a new understanding. Its biblical model of evangelism is team-oriented, with the entire church working together. It builds on the fact that most believers have relational rather than proclamational gifts. F2F encourages believers to make the most of their relationships with unbelievers by building bridges to them. Gifted proclaimers and gifted nurturers take it from there. Jesus said it is just that simple: bridging to unbelievers, assimilating them into the body of Christ, and nurturing them to maturity (see Matthew 28:19-20). F2F just follows Jesus’ teaching!