All courses in the FaithSearch Bible Learning Center are offered FREE for individuals. For use in a classroom setting, the facilitator should complete the Classroom Resource Request form for each course. We will discuss your intended use, and work with you to make the appropriate resources available in a mutually beneficial manner.

Revealing the Fingerprints of God
The foundational question in 21st Century world culture is not whether Christianity is true. Instead, it is whether a personal God exists, other than in the imagination and wishful thinking of theists. In this course, Dr. Don details three easily understood and persuasive reasons which reveal the “fingerprints” of God.

FaithSearch DISCOVERY is an eye-opening, logical case for discovering the reasons and evidence for God, Jesus and the Bible – for everyone who wonders why they should believe (outreach) …

Growing Faith
Growing Faith is an ideal tool for discipling new Christians, or for those still investigating the claims of Christianity.
Future Courses

Friend to Friend
Friend to Friend unmasks the usual myths about Gospel outreach and builds a whole new understanding. The truly biblical model of evangelism is team-orientated.

Another Paraclete: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
In the Upper Room, the night before His crucifixion, Jesus promised “another Paraclete” (Advocate; Helper) who would be in the believer. Who is He – a person or a spiritual force? What does He do? How does He help me? Who was the ‘first Paraclete?’ Why did Jesus say that it is to our advantage that He return to heaven and send the Holy Spirit? The Bible says we are to be “born,” “filled,” “sealed,” “baptized,” “led,” “gifted,” and “bear fruit” in and by the Holy Spirit. Do I have a spiritual gift, and how do I know what it is? How can we make sense of all this? The Bible has answers, and this series will reveal them.

Walking with the Church that Changed the World
New Testament History and Survey Vol. 2: A Historical Chronology
Walk anew with the Apostles and the first century church as they are empowered to change their world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Fresh insights will motivate your spiritual interest in God’s Word and deepen your Christian walk.